Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gas prices... yet again

Everyone is complaining about gas prices, but compared to the world we still have relatively low gas prices. I always tell everyone whom are complaining about gas prices, that around the world it is or was significantly higher. Here in America, as prices rise, we're slowly yet steadly approaching the world norm for gas prices. I came across an article on CNN which explains why and how we've enjoyed such low prices for so long.

Came across this picture on the internet:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

ALC Days 1-3

Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit lazy eversince I got back from the ride. Here are the pictures from days 1-3.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

ALC 7! Picture Heavy

CAUTION: Picture Heavy... These are only pictures from day 4 - 7.

Day 4:

Day 5 "Red Dress Day" :

The hill we eventually climbed

Battle wounds!

Lenny's already drunk!

Day 6:

MmmMmm Gramwiches! These were the best snacks ever!

Struggling through the pain

Riding through fatigue

Despite her battle wounds, shes still in good spirits

My face is burnt

Ice Cream!

Candlelight virgil:

Day 7:

Tan lines!

Snacks in my pocket

More tan lines!

10 miles away from LA!

.5 miles away from the finish line! We decided to stop for some victory ice cream!


The Fam Bam at the finish line!