Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Pictures from Day on The Ride.


The City

We're taking pictures of each other

Golden Gate Bridge

Crossing was scary considering I'm scared of heights

At Rest Stop #1

Lunch at the Cheese Factory


Monday, April 28, 2008

Miles and miles

Forgot to update my weekly miles, so here are my miles for the last 2 weeks.

Commuting: 60 miles
Training: 146 miles 
Total: 206 miles 
On Saturday, I did the "Day on the ride" for my Aids Life Cycle ride in June. It was supposed to simulate a day on the "ride." As many of you know, I will be riding from SF to LA during the first week of June from June 1st to 7th for a total of 545 miles.
You can visit my site at: http://www.aidslifecycle.org/1926
The "Day on the ride" was a total of 81 miles. It was pretty grueling considering the number of hills we had to go over. But riding over the Golden Gate Bridge was nice. I left San Jose at 6am and arrived in SF around 7am. We checked in and listened to the safety speech and headed out at around 8am. There were about 600 riders there on Saturday. The ride took from 8am to 5pm... a whooping 9 hours. It was a good experience, and it really gave me a better perspective of how the 7-day ride will pan out.

Pictures coming soon.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Sweet Randomness

Today, I got a chance to walk around and take some pictures of SJSU and downtown. Also went to the sharks game, but pictures of that later.

Desktop at work

View from the balcony at work

Glad to see more bicyclist


Lonely Cruiser

Rotunda and City Hall

Another one


And so it continues

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tokyo Bicycle Parking

Wish we had one of these in the U.S.

Earth Day pictures

April 22nd was Earth Day and there were festivities at City Hall. I decided to participate in the Mayor Bike ride. I thought more people would show up for the ride but the crowd mainly consisted of firefighters from the San Jose Fire Department. There were different tents and stands either advocating for green living or providing solutions for people to transition to green living. I'm glad to see there is more attention and awareness about green living. We're making some progress, slowly.

The Bag at work


Majority of the riders were from the San Jose Fire Department

Cool Recumbent

SJPD Bike Patrol

Live green everyday, don't wait for a special day to do it

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day!

Today is EARTH DAY.


Monday, April 21, 2008

My first 100k! and more

I completed my first 100k or Tierra Bella on Saturday and I have to say I'm feeling pretty good and confident about the Aids Life Cycle ride I'll be doing during the first week of June. Aside from this being my first 100k, it was also my first organized ride. I have to say, organized rides are more fun and motivating than riding by myself all the time. There were about a thousand riders out on the paths on Saturday. Next week I'll be doing an 81 miler, so we'll see how my legs are then. Some pictures:

Rest Stop #1

The ride

Lines for the portables

Riding on the path

Finger in the way!

No cyclo-computer

Rest Stop #2

Rest Stop #3



Then at night... Glow in the Dark Tour!

Dropout bear flossin the glasses


Mr. Kanye West

Lupe Fiasco



Guest Appearance by...

Mr. BoomDizzle himself


Annual VW Show at Kelly Park

Go Sharks! Game #7 FTW

My future ride...if I ever get mine to run

Days keep flowing by